Loopple Changelog

Find out the latest releases and changes made on Loopple


New product: Loopple Boilerplate Builder!

  • Transform ideas into real projects fast with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Paddle, Open AI, Supabase, Drag & Drop, + 7 pre-built pages!
    View more details here.


New update: Copy JSX Code Option!

  • Now you are able to copy the JSX code for each component inside the builder. You can activate this feature inside settings.


New update: NextJS export!

  • Loopple has now NextJS export, currently available in Motion for Tailwind CSS.
  • Try it on Motion for Tailwind CSS.


New update: React export!


New feature available: Custom CSS option

  • Now you can personalize your theme effortlessly by crafting your own styles for elements or changing existing ones.
  • Loopple add custom CSS feature


New update!

  • Now you can choose between starting a project from scratch or using one of 50+ templates for your dream website template.
  • Loopple choose template feature


The 'change font family' is now available on all Bootstrap Themes


The 'change font family' is now available on Bootstrap Soft UI Design System


Added autosave feature!

  • We just added the autosave feature that automatically saves the changes that you make inside your project. It is active by default but you can deactivate it inside the settings page.


The 'change font family' is now available on all Tailwind CSS themes

  • Check it on Riva Dashboard.
  • Check it on Soft UI Dashboard.


The 'change font family' feature is now live!

  • You can now easily change the font body and font display in the Tailwind CSS themes using this new feature. It includes over 1600 Google Fonts so you have access to endless possibilities.
  • This feature is currently available to Motion Landing Library.
  • Loopple drop into components feature


The new 'drag into components' feature is live!

  • Just drag your desired component over an element and the draggable mode will activate! This feature is currently available in dashboards.
  • Check out this quick preview using Riva Dashboard Tailwind CSS.
  • Loopple drop into components feature


Add option to duplicate and remove elements

  • With this feature, you can easily remove and duplicate elements inside components and sections, considerably increasing the development speed.
  • See in this video a short demo where we: add a new link inside a dashboard's sidebar, duplicate a simple button inside a card and remove items.
  • link-buttons


Add option to duplicate page

  • Using this new feature, you will be able to simply duplicate already built pages so you will not have to build them again from scratch.
  • Currently available in: Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap and React themes.


New sections added to Motion Landig Library Tailwind CSS

  • 43 new section were added to Motion Landing Library: 2 authentication sections, 3 contact sections, 4 call to action sections, 3 faq sections, 3 features sections, 3 footers, 4 new headers, 3 how-it-works sections, 2 http code sections, 3 logo clouds sections, 2 navbars, 3 stats sections, 3 pricing sections, 3 teams sections, 2 testimonials sections. Check all of them directly in Motion Builder here.
  • Here is the list of all the new sections with images:
  • Navbars
    Navbar with centered logo image
    Double navigation bar image
  • Headers
    Header with file dropper and search form image
    Header with text and button gradient image
    Header with bank cards and dashboard image image
    Header with image on the right that has background gradient image
  • Features
    Feature with title and text in the left and image on right image
    Feature with title and image in the left and text in the right image
    Feature with cards and big image on the bottom image
  • Contents (How it works)
    How it works section with somple arrows for each step image
    How it works section with vertical stepper image
    How it works section with center aligned steppers image
  • Pricing
    Pricing with 2 plan options and swtich button for monthly and yearly plans image
    Pricing section with check option for each card image
    Pricing section with testimonial on the left image
  • FAQ
    FAQ section with cards and call to action section image
    FAQ section with text only image
    FAQ section with text on the left and questions on the right image
  • Testimonials
    Testimonials with text on the left and cards with feedback on right image
    Testimonials with stars and feedback from users image
  • Teams
    Teams section with text in the left and big profile images on the right image
    Teams section with big images and jobs card on the bottom image
    Teams section with text in the left and small circle images on right image
  • Stats
    Stats section with gradient image on the bottom image
    Stats section with numbers and description for each stat image
    Stats section with title in the left and cards with description in the right image
  • Call to action
    Call to action with floating profile images image
    Call to action with image on the bottom image
    Call to action with image on the right image
    Call to action with signup access on the right image
  • Contact Us
    Contact us section with form and map image
    Contact us section with colored cards image
    Contact us section with form and image image
  • Http codes
    Http code with text in the left and image on the right image
    Http code with title, subtitle, text and button image
  • Logo areas
    Logo area with text in the left and logos in the right image
    Logo area with text and logos on 2 rows image
    Logo area with logos only image
  • Authentication
    Simple authentication card image
    Authentication section with testimonials image
  • Footers
    Footer with logo separation line and social links image
    Footer with logo input and multiple links image
    Footer with logo and separation line image
  • 24.10.2023

    Motion Tailwind CSS & React

    • Introducing the Motion Landing Library for Tailwind CSS and React: Your Ultimate Design Companion.
      Elevate your web design game with the Motion Landing Library React, a powerhouse of over 44 meticulously crafted components designed to supercharge your Tailwind CSS projects. Check it here.


    New tool available

    • We just added a new tool: CSS to Tailwind Converter. Check it here.


    Add option to duplicate projects

    • Now, project duplication is at your fingertips within your project files. Explore it here.


    Motion - Tailwind CSS Landing Library Builder

    • Introducing the Motion Landing Library for Tailwind CSS: Your Ultimate Design Companion Elevate your web design game with the Motion Landing Library, a powerhouse of over 50 meticulously crafted components designed to supercharge your Tailwind CSS projects. Check it here.


    Builder Update

    • Fix add new pages issues
    • Addressing page addition problems and resolving cases of duplicate and empty page names


    Builder Update


    Builder Update

    • The undo changes feature is now live!
    • Users now have the convenient option to effortlessly undo or redo changes. This feature empowers users with the ability to rectify inadvertent deletions or unintended modifications. Consequently, users can confidently navigate through the application, assured that any undesired changes can be promptly reverted.
    • Currrently this feature is available on all our Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap themes.
    • See how it works here:
    • link-buttons


    Website Update

    • Bug fixes for the code editor.


    New Tailwind CSS Theme

    • Access builder based on Riva Dashboard Design for Tailwind by Loopple - Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites. Check it here.


    Builder Update

    • We just added link buttons to diffrent pages (available in Bootstrap and Tailwind products)
    • See how it works here:
    • link-buttons


    Builder Update

    • Fix Tailwind CSS Sidebar and Navbar select overlay
    • Refine the functionality of the builder element to ensure smooth up/down movement
    • Implement various bug fixes to enhance overall performance and user satisfaction


    Builder Update

    • From now on, it is much easier to work with our builder by adding our new feature: classes autocomplete.
    • You have the possibility to use classes suggestions so you can easily edit your components (availalble in all our Tailwind and Bootstrap themes). See how it works in below video:
    • classes-autocomplete
    • Update Tailwind themes download structure:
    • Added package.json, tailwind.config.js and a new Readme.md.
    • You now have the following commands available in your new project:
      Install dependencies npm install
      Start the development server
      with live preview using Browsersync
      npm run browsersync
      Compile Tailwind CSS npm run build
      Compile Tailwind CSS minified npm run build-minify


    Website Update

    • We just added the components page - the place where you can see all the components available in Loopple.
    • See the page here.


    React Builder

    • We added the multiple pages possibility in our existing Chakra UI Builder. You can now create 2 pages on the free plan and unlimited pages on the PRO plan.
    • All React templates now come with routing and a 404 default page.


    Tailwind CSS & Bootstrap Builder

    • Now you can generate text ideas using our new tool: 'AI Help'. See a short demo here:
    • loopple-ai-text-generator
    • Fix builder editable elements hover.
    • General bug fixes.


    Tailwind CSS & Bootstrap Dashboard Builder

    • Now you have the option to change the navbar and sidebar code. See a short demo here:
    • sites-change-text


    React Dashboard Builder

    • Added "Export Code" to CodeSandbox option


    React Dashboard Builder

    • New components added inside Chakra UI Dashboard Builder:
    • Card project: including new Avatar Group component
    • Card post: including new Button Icon components
    • Avatar Group


    React Dashboard Builder

    • New components added inside Chakra UI Dashboard Builder:
    • Buttons with icons (right | left)
    • You can configure:
    • Color: 16 variations
    • Icon: 58 variations
    • Text


    React Dashboard Builder

    • Just added the avatar with an image component inside our Chakra UI Dashboard Builder. You can now simply edit:
    • Avatar size: 2xs | xs | sm | md | lg | xl | 2xl
    • Avatar image


    React Dashboard Builder

    • Just added configuration options for the Chakra UI Card. You can edit:
    • Card size: sm | md | lg
    • Card type: Elevated | Outline | Filled


    Website Update


    Website Update



    • Fix account details update: GitHub.



    • Fix contenteditable issue on Safari.
    • Add new template for landing pages:
    • sites-landing-2



    • Now you have the option to search through a large variety of images, so you can quickly adapt your site content. See a short demo here:
    • sites-change-text



    • Fix last template mask change issue.
    • Fix color change on white and dark texts.



    • Now you can fast and easily change your site texts by simply clicking on them.
    • sites-change-text
    • Fix selection overlap on texts



    • Social zone update: Now you can change the social icon type direclty from the configurator using the select dropdown
    • sites-redo-revert



    • Now you have the possibility to revert and redo changes
    • sites-redo-revert
    • General bux fixes



    • Fix profile image upload fit issue.
    • Add auto save function on projects.



    • New portfolio template:
    • portfolio-template
    • New profile template:
    • profile-template



    • Fix background image change functionality overlay.
    • Fix preview site fonts.
    • Presentation page changes: Sites.
    • Now you can change the background mask opacity. See how it works:
    • loopple-add-team-members




    • Now you can change background images.
    • Now you can add aditional social links + website.


    Website Update


    • Fix templates typography.
    • Add new profile template: Check here.
    • Add animations on templates components.


    Website Update


    Builder & Website Update

    • Now you can invite team member on the Loopple Team Lifetime plan. See how it works bellow:
    • loopple-add-team-members
    • We added the option to change the background image of components:
    • loopple-change-bg-image


    Builder Update


    Builder & Website Updates

    • Add option to upload images:
    • Add new charts for Asteria Dashboard: Chart Bar Stacked, Chart Sales, Chart Intrest, Chart Social.


    Builder & Website Updates


    Builder & Website Updates

    • Add support for modifying SVG icons. (Available in Soft UI Dashboard, Asteria Dashboard and Soft UI Design System).
    • Fix sidebar close on mobile/tablet for Argon Dashboard.
    • Templates Updates:
    • New design for templates page.
    • Now you can duplicate templates.
    • Now you can test responsive directly in template page.
    • See an example of updated template example here.


    Builder Update

    • Add support for importing Excel Tables (available for Argon Dashboard, Soft UI Dashboard, Asteria Dashboard, and Adminkit Dashboard).
    • See how it works in this video: https://bit.ly/3wLlfuG


    Builder Update

    • Add "Show duplicate element" option
    • See how it works on the image bellow:

    • Settings available here.


    Builder Update

    • Fix builder scroll overflow.
    • Fix builder 'Project saved' notification position not to cover the save button.
    • Small design changes.


    Website Update

    • New templates examples (30 available now): loopple.com/templates
    • Add number of download to templates: loopple.com/templates.
    • New components for Argon Dashboard: Card Stats Connected, Section Projects Analytics, Card Job Post, Card User Details, Card Carousel.


    Website Update

    • New templates examples (28 available now): loopple.com/templates
    • Add option to download template directly from template page. Example here.


    Website Update


    Website Update


    Builder Update

    • Fix Samples Download Error.
    • New components for Soft UI Design System: card real estate, navbar with right content & button, header real estate, header blog, feature with 4 cards


    Builder Update

    • Fix Google Auth Register error.
    • Add Authentication sections for Soft UI Design System.
    • New components for Soft UI Design System:
    • Header blog navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Sign In Simple Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Sign In Illustration Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Sign In Image Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Sign In Card Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Sign Up Illustration Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Sign Up Image Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Sign Up Card Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Blog with 4 cards Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Blog with 3 cards and Pagination Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Blog with 3 posts and Image Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Blog with 5 Articles Section navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image


    Builder & Website Update

    • Fix website builder change page issue.
    • Add website builder presentation page: Check here.


    Builder Update

    • Fix elements that removes on color change: https://github.com/Loopple/loopple/issues/10.
    • New components for Soft UI Design System:
    • Navbar transparent navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Navbar blur navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Headers with carousel navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Headers with blur card and image navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Headers with images navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Headers with search input navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Feature with projects navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Logo area with colored icons navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image


    Website Updates

    • Add Landing Page Builder
    • Soft UI Design System (check here).


    Builder & Website Updates

    • Add Loopple Blog -> check here.
    • Change the way you can change elements classes: card-collapse


    Builder Update

    • Add option to change navbar color to white.
    • New components for Argon Dashboard:
    • Navbar with text, buttons and profile image navbar-with-text-buttons-and-profile-image
    • Sidebar with rounded icons sidebar-rounded-icons
    • Card account card-account
    • Card balance card-balance
    • Card list group card-list-group
    • Card collapse card-collapse


    Builder Update

    • Add more editable colors:
    • Light Color
    • Secondary Color
    • Dark Color
    • Primary Gradients (Left and Right)
    • Info Gradients (Left and Right)
    • Warning Gradients (Left and Right)
    • Danger Gradients (Left and Right)
    • Success Gradients (Left and Right)
    • Dark Gradients (Left and Right)
    • Light Gradients (Left and Right)
    • Secondary Gradients (Left and Right)


    Builder Update

    • Add theme color changer, currently available for:
    • Body Color
    • Primary Color
    • Info Color
    • Success Color
    • Warning Color
    • Danger Color
    • View tutorial here.
    • Navbar changes
    • Add Loopple's official Discord server


    Builder Update

    • Add option to change the background image of elements
    • Fix builder sidebar
    • New Components for Asteria Dashboard
    • Sidebar Music
    • Navbar Breadcrumb
    • Components: Badge, Alert, Carousel


    Builder & Themes Page update

    • Add Builder Settings with the "Show code editor" option
    • See how it works on the image bellow:

    • Settings available here.
    • Theme Page
    • Add general details of the theme: Theme framework, number of components and number of projects made with the theme
    • General design changes


    Builder update

    • Add Builder Full Grid option (col-12) - Bootstrap
    • Add new theme - Asteria Dashboard (check here)
    • Edit themes presentation page


    Builder & Samples update

    • Add linking buttons (3 types: default, open link in new tab, emailto)
    • Add complex Wallet Dashboard - 6 pages (check here)
    • New components for Argon Dashboard (Card Image, Card Balance, Table Authors, Table Sell)