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Speed up Your Project's Journey. From Idea to Launch in Days, not Weeks!

Say goodbye to endless months spent building your dream project. With Loopple Boilerplate, you can accelerate your development in just a matter of days.

Get $100 OFF for the first 100 orders!


Users that trust us

How it works?

Loopple Boilerplate features authentication, database integration, OpenAI capabilities, and pricing functionalities. With the assistance of our builder, you can speed up your development by up to 10 times.

Stop spending time

Start working on things that matter

We've taken care of the heavy lifting so you can concentrate on bringing your product to life.

100h+ Designing all the layouts and pages

200h+ Coding everything in Next.js

4h Implementing the pricing provider (Paddle)

6h+ Implementing OpenAI API calls

6h+ Implementing Authentication

12h+ Putting up everything together

= 320h+ Saved hours using Loopple Boilerplate Builder

It's time to get things done!

We know it's hard to do everyhting from scratch

From UI/UX, designing the pages, thinking about everyhting that must be done can take a lot of time. We are here to get you one step ahead on launching your dream project. Who knows, maybe this is the project that is going to change your life!

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Tailwind CSS
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NextJS 14
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Tailwind CSS Components & Elements

Unleash your creativity with a rich variety of Tailwind CSS components and elements that will give you the freedom to create anything.



Demo Pages Included

- Landing Page

- Login Page

- Dashboard Page

- AI Generator Page

- Projects Page

- Pricing Page

- 404 Status Page

You have the power to create awesome landing pages in minutes using our template builder.

Try Builder

Choose the right plan for you and your business

Single User

$99/One Time

Buy Now
  • NextJS Boilerplate
  • Access to Drag & Drop Builder
  • Supabase Auth
  • Supabase DB
  • Paddle Payments
  • AI Integration
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Exports
  • All Future Upgrades
  • Priority Support
  • Unlimtied Team Size

Team (up to 10 developers)

$249/One Time

Buy Now
  • NextJS Boilerplate
  • Access to Drag & Drop Builder
  • Supabase Auth
  • Supabase DB
  • Paddle Payments
  • AI Integration
  • Unlimited Exports
  • All Future Upgrades
  • Priority Support
  • Team Access (up to 10 developers)

(for unlimited developers)

$449/One Time

It includes everything from team plan but for unlimited developers

Frequently Asked Questions

For any other questions feel free to contact us or join our discord here.

In addition to the boilerplate functionalities such as authentication and payments, Loopple Boilerplate also provides you access to our drag & drop builder, which will assist you in building pages even faster.
If you get a license, you'll receive priority support from our team. This means you can join our Discord or send us an email and expect a response within a maximum of 24 hours.

When you choose our package, you unlock a comprehensive toolkit designed to streamline your development process and enhance your project capabilities. Here's what's included:

  • NextJS Boilerplate: Jumpstart your project with our optimized NextJS setup, primed for high-performance web applications.
  • Access to Drag & Drop Builder: Seamlessly design and customize your pages with our intuitive drag and drop interface, simplifying the development process.
  • Supabase Auth: Implement secure authentication for your users effortlessly with Supabase Auth, ensuring robust access control.
  • Supabase DB: Leverage the power of Supabase's database management system to efficiently store and retrieve your application data.
  • Paddle Payments: Easily integrate Paddle Payments to facilitate seamless and secure transactions, empowering your project with versatile monetization options.
  • AI Integration: Harness the potential of AI integration to enhance your application's capabilities, enabling intelligent features and functionalities.
  • Unlimited Exports: Enjoy unlimited flexibility with the ability to export your project assets as needed, ensuring scalability and adaptability.
  • All Future Upgrades: Access all future updates and enhancements to our toolkit, ensuring your project stays up-to-date with the latest technologies and advancements.
  • Priority Support: Receive top-tier support from our dedicated team, with guaranteed responses within 24 hours via Discord or email.

You also get access to our documentation available here: Documentation.

Get things done!

Don't let time pass. start working on your project today!

Don't delay—let today mark the beginning of turning your ideas into reality.
Start now and pave the way for future success!

Get Loopple Boilerplate