AI Color Palette Generator
Effortlessly Create Stunning Color Schemes
with AI-Powered Palette Generator
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"Generate colour pallet for dessert shop which serve quick bites"
"### **1. Drawing Room (Second Floor)** - **Primary Color:** K152 Coriander Green-N ▣ - **Accent Color:** B300 Confetti ▣ ### **2. Puja Room** - **Primary Color:** 4657 Iced Cucumber ▣ - **Accent Color:** Soft Pink (Custom Mix) ▣ ### **3. Veranda** - **Primary Color:** Bone White 0964 ▣ - **Accent Color:** Subtle Rose Pink ▣ ### **4. Drawing Room (First Floor)** - **Primary Color:** 9920 Deccan Earth ▣ - **Accent Color:** N 0964 Bone White ▣ ### **5. Bedroom I** - **Primary Color:** Pigeon Grey 8233 ▣ - **Accent Color:** Blush Pink ▣ ### **6. Dining Room (First Floor)** - **Primary Color:** Coral Cove 8030 ▣ - **Accent Color:** Soft Beige ▣ ### **7. Bedroom II** - **Primary Color:** 4657 Iced Cucumber ▣ - **Accent Color:** Warm Pink Hue ▣ ### **8. Drawing Room (Ground Floor)** - **Primary Color:** Golden Apple 7832 ▣ - **Accent Color:** Neutral Sand ▣ ### **9. Bedroom (Ground Floor)** - **Primary Color:** Mystic Lake 8344 ▣ - **Accent Color:** Delicate Pink ▣ ### **10. Dining Room (Ground Floor)** - **Primary Color:** Snow Fall 8475 ▣ - **Accent Color:** Soft Blush Pink ▣"
"generate a color palette for a website platform for psychedelic therapists and yoga teachers"
"carte visite pour un magasin de vente les douceurs traditonnelles marocain"
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